Mumbai (Nhava Sheva)
Welcome to Steinweg
Steinweg is a globally operating independent service provider in the fields of storage, handling, forwarding, chartering and other related commodity logistics services.
Do you need transport or warehousing? Arrange it now!
About Steinweg
Mumbai (Nava Sheva)
In Nhava Sheva, Steinweg operates as a holder at NSBP FTWZ, 7 kms away from the Nhava Sheva Port.
Salient features of our Facilities in FTWZ, are as follows:
- The Warehouses are based @ Free Trade Warehousing Zone (FTWZ), which is a bonded area.
- Temporary Customs clearance is done to move the cargo from Port (CY) to our Warehouse in the FTWZ.
- The facility being a designated free zone, cargo stored in the facility does not attract any duties while in the FTWZ.
- Shipper / Traders are free to import the goods into the FTWZ and hold it as consignment stock.
- Cargo brought into the FTWZ can be held in our name viz; Steinweg Sharaf India Pvt. Ltd. on-behalf of ‘Contractual Customer’, This implies that the title to the goods is with the overseas Customer till the goods are sold to an India Buyer or re-exported.
- Once stored, the goods can then be sold to multiple buyers in DTA – Domestic Tariff Area (in addition, if there is an FTA agreement with India, receivers can also avail preferential duty benefits, on part cargo released) or re-exported overseas or sold within the FTWZ, in smaller quantities.
- Customs duty, apply only when the goods are customs cleared into domestic market (DTA- Domestic Tariff Area).
- The value additions are very much permitted in the Free Trade Warehousing Zone (i.e., Re-packing; Stickering; label removing & re-fixing; weighing; packaging etc.).
- Although allowed to procure goods from domestic market for onward export to third countries in same condition and / or after performing some value additions.
175 +
Years of experience